Welcome to the DSA Theatre Department photo collection.

Here you can find all of the wonderful moments captured on and off stage of the DSA Theatre students and staff. All photos are taken by the DSA Theatre Photo Committee. All photos are available for full size download free of charge, for your own personal use only. (All rights are reserved by the various copyright holders (photographers) of each image, other than the above granted license for personal use. Any commercial use is forbidden without prior written permission for each image so used)

Recently Added


Visitors 114
794 photos


Visitors 1
434 photos

One Acts 2022 Friday 11-11-22

Visitors 33
304 photos
One Acts 2022 Friday 11-11-22

One Acts 2022 Thursday 10-06-22

Visitors 34
157 photos
One Acts 2022 Thursday 10-06-22

The Triangle Project

Visitors 3
215 photos
The Triangle Project


Visitors 81
753 photos


Visitors 3
38 photos

Shakespeare Festival

Visitors 3
192 photos
Shakespeare Festival

13595 photos, 12 videos
Visitors 7312